SLWA Education Scholarships & Memorial Funds
In the past ten years approximately Rupees Three million has been spent by the SLWA Education Scheme, on career and secondary scholars in Sri Lanka.
Memorial Funds
Two funds have been set up for specific grants.
  • The Grace Mackie Fund
This fund was set with donations from Mr James Mackie, in memory of his wife, the late Grace Mackie, who was an active and dedicated committee member.
One or two students receive grants annually to follow courses leading to a career.
  • The Jerry McEvoy Fund
This fund was set up with a large donation given in his memory by his wife Mrs Barbara McEvoy.
It is used to fund two accountancy (preferably final year) students in Sri Lanka, as Mr McEvoy was an accountant by profession. Grants are awarded from the interest earned only, so that the capital of the fund will remain in perpetuity in Sri Lanka.